About us

Our company aims to uphold a good reputation by our quality services. Well-trained and equipped staff will be hired that will be able to execute work of a high standard to maintain the company values. The company will adhere to all regulations and will consistently upgrade our infrastructure through continued market research, making sure that the company is running efficiently and smoothly while keeping up with the trends. Our management team has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience to execute the business with effectiveness. 

  • Ensuring organizational structure contains the dynamics required to keep it in the forefront of modern project delivery methods.
  • Provide collaborative expertise to all projects with the wealth and depth of experience the company personal has gained.
  • Meet or exceed client’s specified benchmarks using a certified and fully auditable QA system.
  • Provide clients with a product that is value for money by ensuring that services are delivered within budget and by providing ongoing value.
  • Delivery of service in a timely manner.
  • Provide staffing that is open and accountable to ensure a dispute free environment.
  • Ensure that work practices are both environmentally sound and sustainable.
  • Ensure that staff is fully trained and appraised of changing industry practices and techniques.

The management team proactively gathers feedback, identifies changes in business environment, reviews work processes and communicates key learning points and company policy to all staff at regular meetings.

Our team

Nevermind Bonginkosi Mhlanga picture

Nevermind Bonginkosi Mhlanga


Founder and director of international services and production. 

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